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Celebrating 75 Years of “The Place We Know So Well”

On March 28th, 1946, ownership of the piece of land that was to become Camp Cachalot was transferred to the Cachalot Council Boy Scouts of America. It's been 75 years since, and we're spending this year marking Cachalot's Diamond Jubilee with a series of events both online and (hopefully) out at Cachalot.

The Spouter, Issue Six

Issue number six of our 75th Anniversary e-newsletter, The Spouter, has been sent to our mailing list and posted to our social media channels. All of the issues will also be shared here: just look in the sidebar on the right for a full list, which will grow as new issues arrive.

Diamond Jubilee Homecoming

HC2021 Group Aerial

We were glad to see over 120 alumni join the 140 Scouts and Scouters at Cachalot on September 18 to help us celebrate camp’s 75th birthday! Thank you to all of you who spent the day with us! If you couldn’t make it out yourself, or want to revisit the day, you can check out our photo album from the day over at Facebook. This year’s Wall of Fame induction of Marcel Hudon and Dennis Wilkinson was also recorded, and can be seen on our YouTube channel:

Diamond Jubilee Collectibles and Clothing

Preorders for Diamond Jubilee hats and polos have closed, but we still have photo books and patches available for sale. Inventory will be available to attendees of the Highland Games at Cachalot on October 9; we can also arrange to ship patches or books to you at no additional cost. Please check out Issue 6 of The Spouter for more information.

A Brief History of Cachalot

We premiered our new history documentary "A Brief History of Cachalot", on March 28th, 2021. This video, which covers Cachalot's first seventy-five years, can be watched below or over on our YouTube channel.

If you missed the live premiere, don't worry: you can watch the video over on YouTube itself, and replay the live chat that went alongside the premiere. This video will be a permanent part of our collection, so feel free to watch or re-watch on your own schedule.

This is just the first of several events we have planned for 2021 to mark Cachalot's Diamond Jubilee, hopefully including an expanded Homecoming event out at Cachalot later this year. For information on these events will be shared on this page, and on our social media outlets, including our Facebook page, our Facebook discussion group, our Instagram feed, and our Twitter feed. You can also sign up for email notifications.

Tell Us About Yourself

We'd also greatly appreciate it if you would fill out this quick questionnaire and tell us a little bit about your time at camp. If you'd like to receive notifications of 75th Anniversary-related happenings in your email inbox instead of checking back on our social media channels, you can (optionally) provide us with contact information on that questionnaire. You can opt out of the email at any time.

We Want Your Camp Stories

In the seventy-five years that have passed since 1946, thousands of Scouts, Scouters, and many of their family members have passed through its gates, hiked its trails, camped among its forest, fished its ponds, and sung with joy around many campfires.

If you are reading this, you‘re almost certainly one of them.

Without those people, without you, Cachalot would be just another place. The story of Cachalot is not complete without the stories of the people who camp there. Your stories.

We‘re asking you to share those stories: your memories of Cachalot, your memories of other people at Cachalot; even the stories of what your time at camp has enabled or inspired you to do. These stories will become a part of the body of knowledge we‘ve been accumulating about Cachalot since the Association was founded in 2004.

Send your stories to us at iwasthere@cachalotalumni.org. You don't have to be a professional writer; you can be as brief or as long-winded as you like. If you would prefer for us to not use your name when re-sharing your stories, or to use only part of your name or your initials, just let us know in the email. If you have photos or documents from your time at camp that you are willing to share, you can also use that same email address and we will figure out the best way to get copies to us.

Web site design and maintenance by Dennis J. Wilkinson, II.
All content copyright ©2004- by the Camp Cachalot Alumni Association, except where otherwise noted.
This page was last modified on Sun Oct 3rd 2021.

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